Hacking Incident #056: Dirección de Vigilancia de la Salud Paraguay (www.vigisalud.gov.py) Hacked by L4663R666H05T

On September 24th, 2018, the website of the Dirección de Vigilancia de la Salud Paraguay was hacked and defaced by L4663R666H05T from the ManadoGhost hacking group. The attack compromised the website’s public-facing content.

Hacker Details:

  • Hacker Name: L4663R666H05T
  • Hacker Group: ManadoGhost

Website Details:

Incident Details:


The website of the Dirección de Vigilancia de la Salud Paraguay was defaced by L4663R666H05T, a hacker from the ManadoGhost group. The attack exploited a previously undisclosed vulnerability, compromising the integrity of the site’s contents.

Proof of Concept:

The attack is believed to have been carried out using a newly discovered vulnerability, the specifics of which have not been disclosed publicly.


The hacker’s stated motivation for the attack was simply “just for fun,” a common sentiment among defacers looking to showcase their skills.