Hacking Incident #107: Army Finance Directorate (DITKUAD) Hacked by ./Ikari404

December 22nd, 2018 | Cybersecurity Daily

On December 22nd, 2018, the website for the Army Finance Directorate (DITKUAD) was hacked by the hacker known as ./Ikari404, affiliated with the Dark Side Team group. The attack resulted in the defacement of the site. Further details on the incident, including an archive of the defaced page and a detailed cyber attack report, are available through the provided links.

Hacker Details:

  • Hacker Name: ./Ikari404
  • Hacker Group: Dark Side Team

Website Details:

Incident Details:

Proof of Concept: Currently, no proof of concept has been provided. This would typically involve details on the method or vulnerability used to execute the attack.

Reason: The specific motive behind the attack is not available. Such incidents may occur for various reasons, including personal or political motivations, or simply for the challenge.